Thursday 9 May 2013

Post 3: Continuity

Continuity - The unbroken and consistent existence or operation of something over a period of time.

Continuity in film is were a film sequence is contiued and not broken, i.e - if a person is wearing a certain shirt in one sequence then he must be wearing it in the next, unless an event has been shown were he has had to change shirts.

This is an example of poor /  bad continuity as shown in once scene the beer bottle is different in the next scene.

Friday 19 April 2013

Main Post 12.7 - Question 7

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Looking back since the prelim task I have gained a greater understanding of how to edit properly, particularly with the horror film genre and have learnt from various people were to apply the correct effects for this type of film (Horror) and how a well placed technique can benefit the film in a number of ways.

I have also learnt how good lighting Is effective and how a well light room can completely change the atmosphere, this is a big difference in from our prelim task were we filmed in a poorly lit room and gave too much of a dark atmosphere.

Yet another element of improvement has to be the inclusion of music to our scenes I have learnt that this dramatically changes the scene in more ways than one.

Tuesday 16 April 2013

Main Post 12.4 - Question 4

Who would be the audience for your media product?

Our Target audiance is well educated 16- 45 year olds, We have chosen this audiance because our film is an art house style film. These types of films usualy divert from the popular avenues of film, they are usualy made for the joy of making film rather than making profit. Films such as les miserables are this type of adept and also target this type of audiance as their viewers.

Ideally our target audience is someone who is university educated and someone who has an interest in the film industry such as media students such as our self's this way they can appreciate the art-house style of the film

Monday 15 April 2013

Main Post 12.3 - Question 3

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

The pefect institution to distrube our media product would be Warner brothers. There are many reasons why this studio would be chosen over others. Warner bros have a history of distrbuting large and successful horror/independant  films. Some of these include "The Shining" which is a world wide, well known horror film, and has produced other books turned films such as harry potter.

Due to Warner Brothers being so well known worlwide, they have large marketing stratergies and a wide section of subsidery arms that are used to increase the popularity  films in which synergy is used. The studio also has options for advertising for the film on posters and bilboards (old media) or using high levels of technology to produce indepth trailers or websites. (new media) due to the high profit and good cash flow of their business. This Would be the best technique for advertising this film since its an arthouse film, otherwise it could have trouble attracting audiances.