Friday 5 April 2013

Main post 4b Narrative / Charecter Research

Our film is about mafia so i have looked at films that are mafia and action orientated. so i looked at some older films like (The Godfather) and some more recent films like (Gangster squad) what is most clear about films with mafia charecters is that they have a few main features

* Violence, stereotypical sexism, Gang culture, and betting, Dressing smart

So this will effect our film in ways that the viewer will visably see, for example in pretty much every mafia film you will see a group of smartly dressed men usualy sitting around a table playing poker or betting of some kind; because of this we will include a scene of this. Also the main interest of these films are the violence which is also usualy sparked because of a woman in the film and coinsidently that is what the main point of our film is orientated by.

Also alot of these types of films have trailers that are action pakced and show the main story line immedatly, for instance the (Gangster Squad) trailer shows guns explosion and has the steretypical beautiful woman that the story lines plot revolves around.

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