Tuesday 9 April 2013

Main Post 8: Pre-production documentation

Synopsis of the whole film
Lewis Carrol is launched into modern times where he is a struggling writer who believes his next series shall be his big break. Due to the fact that he has yet to achieve his dream Lewis turned to drugs and alcohol in order to cure his depression but this just resulted in his isolation as his wife and child leaving him.
As he begins to write Alice in Wonderland, Lewis begins to feel like he is being haunted by the quirky character within his story, but then things get a little darker as Lewis becomes more and more obsessed by the idea of Alice she becomes more and more alive and things become serious as Alice seams to be killing all of the people who have helped to make Lewis the ex-drug addict that he is today. She also repeatedly appears in his dreams and then in his everyday life as Lewis becomes more and more involved in Alice and her murderous ways Lewis becomes insane and is locked away after being convicted for all the murders that Alice has committed but there in his cell instead of fighting Alice he embraces her and joins her in her wonderland.

Synopsis of opening sequence

A girl surrounded by woodland skips through the trees and long grass whilst holding ribbons, this in turn gives the onlooker a sense of mystery  The girl is wearing a black dress and has long blond hair in which she plays with two long red ribbons as she plays in the distance. The camera flashes as the focus is changed to being on her, the girl jumps from being in the back ground to the foreground (the camera is still though out this section). The camera then begins to focus on a range of other things such as the long grass and the loose ends of the ribbons. It then jumps back and forth between the girl skipping and the tree canopy in which it begins to focus on some wild flowers as the background is in soft focus it fades away to show you a dark figure in the background, the man is isolated and stands still by a tree. The camera then zooms into a close up shot (for added drama) of a book that the man is holding, the book then falls from his hand to the floor and the camera follows it as the book lands, the pages are exposed and then the book is quickly shut by the man. The camera then flashes back to the girl spinning with the ribbons with the main standing behind a tree watching her. The girl continues to skip around the wooden area in a playful manor adding that sense of crude diversity, then  as the man disappears the girl then skips out of the frame and the ribbons are left attached to a tree in the wooden area as if to leave clues for the audience

Location recce
The opening sequence will be filmed in  woody areas in both Hemel Hempstead and kings Langley  because the area has the exact aspects we need. There is a specific area in each of the  woods where the trees are set out which create a path for "Alice" to follow during filming. Both of the areas also are very well light in the day time giving the correct effect for out film, with the sunlight peering crudely through branches , This also allows who ever is filming to follow the path using each tree as a checkpoint. In addition to this, trying to find a meeting point for the group was difficult and it turn out that the area we have chosen is literally an equal traveling distance for each member.
The shooting of the film is going to take place on random dates were the weather is fine and will not disturb filming. 

Crew list
Natasha Chandler is playing the part of Alice who is and has played a large role in coming up with the idea and putting it into production and is also the director.
Joe is helping in the filming, I have helped create the sequence by researching our chosen genre with great detail and editing the final production.
Matt is going to help editing the final production and filling in with post help, due to joining the group mid-way through to  unforeseen circumstances.

Risk assessment
Where we filmed consisted of a woodland area in Hemel Hempstead. The poential risks this proposed were the possibility of stripping over as the ground casued a potential trip hazard. There was also a few hills around the area. However, overall the location didn't have many hazards.

Mise en scene 

The Mise en scene of are film is mostly natural woods to the fact that it has been filmed in a wooded area in natural light. The bedroom sequence is also in natural light and the objects and props within the room were placed in a way to make it appear to be the normal bedroom of the main character

1 comment:

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mltq0XEKMdg&feature=youtu.be

    Please embed your prelim in your the correct post for your prelim. Matt - alter the dates of the entries on your blog so everything is in the right order. Delete this comment when read
